Capricornia Post is the state-owned authorized provider of postal services to the Republic of Capricornia.
Since independence, it has issued only a small number of stamps.
All of these are depicted on these pages, at about twice their original size. The stamps are printed
on matt gummed paper and are line perforated.
All stamps were printed by yourstamps.
All valid stamps (starting from issue 200808) may be ordered from the philatelic department of Capricornia Post at face value, with the current (2010-10-15) official exchange rate of 1 CW = 1.50 USD = 1.00 EUR. The fee for worldwide shipping and handling is 2 CW = 3.00 USD = 2.00 EUR. Only complete sets may be ordered - please include the issue reference numbers in your order. Payment is via PayPal. Please send your order to (replace # by @). To strengthen the bond between the states of the Federated Micronations and the Residents and Citizens of the states of the Federated Micronations living abroad, the State Department of the Federated Micronations, together with the Governments of the Member States, has decided on 2010-10-03 to present a full Year Set of stamps of the Republic of Capricornia, as well a full Year Set of all Posta tal Musograd issues of the current year to each family of Residents or Citizens living abroad, at no cost to them. Please contact the State Department of the Republic of Capricornia at (replace # by @), providing your postal adress and a proof (scan) of your Residence Permit or Passport. A Residence Permit may be issued for a yearly fee of 10 CW (based on the calendar year) to persons of good standing - please contact the State Department of the Republic of Capricornia for details. All stamps with denomination CFL (Capricornian Florin) were valid until 2008-12-31, 10 CFL = 1 CW. All issues with denomination CW (Common Wallaroo) or b (Bit, 100 bit = 1 CW) are valid until further notice, within the territory of the Republic of Capricornia, the Balangrad Capital Territory and the Capricornia Post Offices within the other countries of the Federated Micronations. All stocks of CSh and CFL issues have been donated to the Capricornia Postal Collection. They are offered for exchange of other Micronational issues on a 1 to 1 base, with the plan to build a Virtual Micronational Museum of Philatelic History (VMMPH). Please contact the CPC at (replace # by @) or send in the stamps offered for exchange to CPC, J.Schwarz, Roon St. 20, 12203 Balangrad / Berlin (GERMANY). No shipping or other fees apply. Capricornia Post and Posta tal Musograd plan to cooperate in this respect and will both supply their stock of invalid issues to this project. Capricornia Post 2006 IssuesCapricornia Post 2007 IssuesCapricornia Post 2008 IssuesCapricornia Post 2009 IssuesCapricornia Post 2010 Issues |
Issue 201005 |
The Diplomatic Service of the Federated Micronations is an organisation building mainly on the experience and the personnell of the
State Department of the Republic of Capricornia. This series of stamps celebrates 3 countries unilaterally recognized by the Federated
Micronations and the Republic of Capricornia which were visited by Diplomats of the DSFM in 2010. Also, with the
Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation, an organisation was honoured which
does much for small nations not recognized as such by the oligarchy of large nations on our planet.
The Free State of Oldenburg used to be an independent state within Germany, but was dissolved into Lower Saxonia in 1946. In a plebiscite in 1975, the citizens of Oldenburg voted for renewed independence as a German state, but were denied this by the Federal Republic of Germany. The County of Oldenburg was dissolved in 1978, leaving only the "Oldenburgische Landschaft", as a stub organisation, to represent the former Free State. The Sorbic people in Germany have lost their indepence much longer ago, in the 13th century. Since about 700 A.D., the north-eastern parts of Germany in its current borders were settled by a number of Slavic tribes which were subjugated under German rule and culture between 1100 and 1400 AD, sometimes peacefully and sometimes by war. The Sorbs in the regions south east of Berlin were the only ones to keep their language and traditions. Plans to create a state or country for them after WW II were cancelled by the GDR government, though, but their culture was supported. The Republic of Capricornia and Federated Micronations State Departments have recognized the Sorbish Free State as a symbol of the strength of this people and to remind the German citizens of these regions that many of them carry the slavic heritage of these times, even if it is culturally suppressed. Ironically, in this region, there is more German nationalism and xenophoby found than in other parts of Germany, often oriented against their slavic brother peoples. The Unilateral Recognition of the Republica Espanola points at another fact of history - although Spain now is a modern democratic country, the roots of the state do not lie in the historic Spanish Republics (both in the 19th and in the 20th century), but in the conservative Kingdom of Spain and the Fascist Estado Espanol, ruled by the dictator Francisco Franco. Today, there is a small but motivated Republican Movement in Spain. As both the King of Spain and the Crown Prince are recognized as persons of high merit, one would wish that a Republic of Spain might be created following the lines of the historic Respublika tal Musograd, ruled by a King. And in this framework, maybe a Republica Catalana and a Basque State (Euskal Herria) would find their place. The set is the first one to display the inscription "FM" for Federal Micronations of the Musanian lands, together with Republic of Capricornia. The stamps also show the Flag of the Republic of Capricornia and the logo of the Diplomatic Service of the Federated Micronations. The stamps are valid indefinitely until further notice. |
Issue 201007 |
On 2010-06-24, Kevin Rudd, the legal Prime Minister of Australia, was removed by a coup d'etat and replaced by Julia Gillard.
The vote which removed him was legal, but strongly influenced by major Australian mining interests.
Analysts see this event as a clear early sign of the breakdown of large democracies, similar to countries like
Italy or the United States, where post-democratic capital interests and rich tycoons win more and more influence
over the impoverished and dumbfolded voters.
Therefore, the Federated Micronations decided to reject the legality of Mrs. Gillard's election and still treat
Kevin Rudd as Acting Prime Minister of Australia of an Internal Exile Government of Australia.
Mrs. Gillard was finally recognized by the FM as legal Prime Minister of Australia
after the election on 2010-07-17, after which the Labour Party was able to form a minority government supported by
three independents and a Green MP, with Kevin Rudd as Minister for Foreign Affairs.
The CW 1.00 stamp displays Mr. Rudd and the Australian Flag, with the date of the coup in red on the flag. The stamp is valid indefinitely until further notice. |
Issue 201010 |
The two stamps issued in October 2010 also relate to events in foreign countries for which declarations of the State Department
of the Federated Micronations were issued.
The first stamp of this set with a face value of CW 0.75 was issued on 2010-10-03, the founding day of the Federated Micronations and Independence Day of the Dershowo Musograd, sister state in the Federation. It celebrates an event which happened in the neighbourhood of the Dershowo, in Stuttgart, the Capital of the Republic of Baden-Württemberg (Unilaterally Recognized). Usually, the people of B.W. are very peaceful, but in the autumn of 2010, they started massive demonstrations against the conversion of the Central Railway Terminal of Stuttgart from a terminus to a through station. For most people, this must sound strange, but to the people of B.W. and especially Stuttgart, it means billions of Euros wasted for a dubious purpose, a giant building lot for years to come, and possible danger to nature and buildings alike. Observers think this was probably the final drop which started something akin a revolution - pollsters predict a major power shift in the elections in March 2011. Also, it is felt that there is a certain urging for more independence and recognition of the South West, which is still treated as the stupid guy who is always paying the bills ("Doofnuss muss zahlen..."). Since many Musogradian and Capricornian Citizens have their root in the region, they are fascinated by the new developments. The stamps shows a demonstration against the demolition of parts of the Central Station, with the flag of the Republic of Baden-Württemberg, decorated by the City Arms of Stuttgart. The second stamp was issued some days later, on 2010-10-10, two days after Liu Xiaobo was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Both the Federated Micronations and the Republic of Capricornia support the struggle of the Chinese and Tibetan People for freedom and democracy and therefore immediately after the announcement decided to issue a stamp celebrating the event. The stamp has a face value of CW 1.75 and shows Liu Xiaobo and a demonstration for his freedom. Both stamps display the Flag of the RC, the symbol of the FMDS and the inscriptions "Republic of Capricornia" and "FM" and are valid indefinitely until further notice. |