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Issue 200902 |
With the validity of all CFL stamps ending on 2008-12-31, the need for a series of definite stamps was seen, and a series of 6 sta
covering both local as well as international postage values was designed, based on bird images taken on the Joint Southern Cross
Expedition in 2008, in Western Australia. The values are:
Issue 200904 |
In April 2009, two small stamps were issued with only horizontal perforation, for sale in smaller post offices or other locations, in
"counter booklets" which as such were not for sale to the public. The stamps cover the standard letter postage of CW 0.50 and were
printed in alternate pairs. They are the first stamps, though, to display the value not in Common Wallaroo (CW) but in the smaller
unit of Bit (100 Bit = 1 CW), abbreviated "b". The "Bit", known today as the smallest unit of information (either true or false, 0 or 1),
used to be the sub unit of the Gold Franc as used in the Danish West Indies -
they issued stamps with "Bit" denomination.
The stamps show the flag resp. state symbol of two German states unilaterally recognized by the Republic of Capricornia. The "Freistaat Lippe" stamp displays the Lippish Rose. The Free State of Lippe (Freistaat Lippe) was an old German state, keeping its freedom within Germany until 1947 when it was incorporated into Northrhine-Westphalia. But even now, certain legal components of the state exist. In 1950, two thirds of Lippe's people voted against the constitution of NRW. A promised plebiscite which should have taken place 5 years after the incorporation was never slated. The Free State of Saar () actually was a more or less independent state until 1957, the Saar Protectorate. They even had an Olympic team! After WW II, France tried to establish the more or less independent state to remove its industrial base from Germany. This opened up the opportunity to establish a country in the center of (Western) Europe, which, similar to Luxembourg and Belgium, could have been a truly European centre. But the people of Saar rejected this chance (like they did before WW II) and voted to join Germany. As a result, Saarland became a backwater, cut off from the main streams of the economy, ridden with heavy industry. Some say its best part is the Autobahn connecting it to Luxembourg which quickly shed a similar legacy of heavy industry to become the richest country (as per capita income) in Europe. Today, there are no voices for a renewed independence - the Unilateral Recognition by the Republic of Capricornia is meant as a Memento to what could have been. By the way, the "Reunification of Germany", between the Federal Republic and the German Democratic Republic was executed on the same constitutional basis as the integration of Saarland (like "through the back door"). Both in psychological as well as economical ways, the results are similar. The State Department of the RC (and FM) has made it quite clear, though, that there are no plans for an Unilateral Recognition of the GDR. The stamps are valid indefinitely until further notice. |